Doomed to Fictions? Speculative History, Counter[f]actuality, and Living Archives

Agnieszka Rejniak-Majewska
University of Łódź (Poland)


This article discusses two books: Fikcje jako metoda. Strategie kontr[f]aktualne w pisaniu historii, literaturze, sztukach [Fictions as Method: Counter[f]actual Strategies in History Writing, Literature and Arts] (ed. Małgorzata Sugiera, Kraków 2018) and Performanse pamięci w literaturach i sztukach [Performances of Memory in Literatures and Arts] (ed. Mateusz Borowski, Krakow 2020), both of which foreground the theme of counterfactual history and the role of fiction in disarming fossilized, often imposed visions of the past. The author of the article focuses on this problem, referring to the criticism of rhetorical patterns in historical discourse and of its objectivist illusions; nevertheless, she defends the “obligation to truth” as an element of research work. She argues that artistic counterfactual activity constitutes an alternative form of research and discovery, involving different modes of communication and aware of the role of mediatedness. As forms of working with memory, with the past conditioning the present or repressed and forgotten, they broaden and activate historical awareness, enabling a critical revision of social conceptions. 


history, reconstruction, counterfactual practices, fiction, archive

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Cited by

Rejniak-Majewska, A. (2021) “Doomed to Fictions? Speculative History, Counter[f]actuality, and Living Archives”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 70(1), pp. 179–195. doi: 10.36744/pt.747.


Agnieszka Rejniak-Majewska
University of Łódź Poland

Associate professor (dr hab., prof. UŁ) at the Institute of Contemporary Culture, University of Lodz. Art historian and aesthetician. Her academic interests concern European and American modernism, history of art criticism and avant-garde practices. She also explores the issues of art historiography, theory and methodology of art history, relations between aesthetics and politics, and visual culture studies. Recipient of Endeavour Foundation scholarship at the University of Chicago (2013) and research grant at the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art in Paris (2015). Author of books: Polityka doświadczenia. Clement Greenberg i tradycja formalistycznej krytyki sztuki (2017); Obraz zwielokrotniony. Reprodukcja fotograficzna i wizualne narracje sztuki awangardowej 1910–1939 (2017). Co-editor of Migracje modernizmu. Nowoczesność i uchodźcy (together with Tomasz Majewski and Wiktor Marzec, 2014).


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