Theatre Company as Myth: Reflections on the Book Czy tylko Reduta? [Only Reduta?]

Paweł Płoski
The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy in Warsaw (Poland)


The electronic publication Czy tylko Reduta? Wspólnota – zespół – spółdzielnia twórcza – kolektyw [Only Reduta? Community – Ensemble – Creative Cooperative – Collective] brings together selected papers from a conference organised as part of the 4th Congress of the Polish Society for Theatre Research in Spała (20–22 Sept. 2019). The article is not so much a review of the edited volume as a record of the author’s reflections inspired by the reading of particular essays. The book constitutes a polyphonic attempt at describing the phenomenon of the theatre collective. Fundamental as it is for theatre life, it has only recently drawn the attention of researchers. In this publication, the phenomenon of Reduta is a starting point for much broader research and analysis that address both general principles of the functioning of theatre ensembles and particular cases of Polish and foreign theatres. The author of the article comments on the analyses contained in the volume, describing various mythologisations of collectivity. (Transl. Z. Ziemann)


Reduta, Juliusz Osterwa, theatre ensemble, collectivity

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DOI:   Google Scholar

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  Google Scholar


Cited by

Płoski, P. (2020) “Theatre Company as Myth: Reflections on the Book Czy tylko Reduta? [Only Reduta?]”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 69(2), pp. 267–276. doi: 10.36744/pt.453.


Paweł Płoski
The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy in Warsaw Poland


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