Making It onto the Translation Scene: Jerzy S. Sito as a Translator of Elizabethan Playwrights in the Polish People’s Republic

peer-reviewed article

Przemysław Pożar
University of Warsaw (Poland)


Playwrights in the Polish People’s Republic This article discusses of the translations of William Shakespeare’s and Christopher Marlowe’s dramas by Jerzy S. Sito (1934–2011), a neoclassical poet, translator, and playwright. The author considers the biographical and sociological context of the origins and reception of these translations, i.e., the translator’s position in the literary and theatrical field in the Polish People’s Republic, as well as the strategy he adopted. Both perspectives seem to be guided by Jan Kott’s seminal critical formula proposed a few years earlier, Shakespeare Our Contemporary. Thus, the political strife of the 1960s looms large in Sito’s versions of Marlowe and Shakespeare. Sito’s translation strategy also raises key questions about the nature of stage translation and the profound impact that contemporary poetry can exert on both the renditions and the translator himself. In this respect, Stefania Skwarczyńska’s reflections on Sito’s place in the history of the Polish reception of Shakespeare are a point of departure. The analysis is supported by archival materials from the Beinecke Library, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, and family archives.


William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Jerzy S. Sito, translation, biography, archives

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Cited by

Pożar, P. (2024) “Making It onto the Translation Scene: Jerzy S. Sito as a Translator of Elizabethan Playwrights in the Polish People’s Republic”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 73(4), pp. 35–55. doi: 10.36744/pt.2499.


Przemysław Pożar
University of Warsaw Poland

Przemysław Pożar - a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Warsaw, he is writing a dissertation on the translators of William Shakespeare's plays in the Polish People's Republic. A participant in Magdalena Heydel's research project Stulecie przekładu: Tłumacze i ich twórczość w literaturze polskiej po 1918 roku. Co-author of the monograph Polish translations of Shakespeare in the 20th and 21st centuries: Resources, strategies, reception. He is involved in the history of translation. Translates Swedish literature.


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