«I’m Going on the Radio»: Maria Wiercińska’s Radio Work in 1946–1952

Katarzyna Flader-Rzeszowska

Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (Poland)


This article is devoted to Maria Wiercińska’s work from 1946–1952, when the theatre actress and director focused on radio, first in Łódź and then in Wrocław. It presents the results of research based on Wiercińska’s manuscript listing her radio works of that time and on the script of her radio play Niebezpieczne życie (Dangerous Life, written and first broadcast in 1935 under the direction of Michał Melina), which has not been analysed or published to date. The extant script dates from 1946, when Wiercińska directed the radio play herself (broadcast in 1947). Thanks to the author’s notes and edits, it is possible to reconstruct her understanding and enactment of the principles of performance art in the new medium. These sources, as well as Wiercińska’s correspondence, confirm that radio was her passion, showing the place of radio work in her artistic output and the influence of her experience in recitation on her work with the microphone. The perspective of micro-history enables a thorough examination of this form of Wiercińska’s work, casting light on this somewhat forgotten figure. The article broadens the knowledge about women who co-created Polish theatre in the 20th century. (Transl. Z. Ziemann)


Maria Wiercińska, radio, poetry broadcast, radio play, recitation

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Cited by

Flader-Rzeszowska, K. (2020) “«I’m Going on the Radio»: Maria Wiercińska’s Radio Work in 1946–1952”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 69(3), pp. 133–150. doi: 10.36744/pt.234.


Katarzyna Flader-Rzeszowska 
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw Poland

An UKSW Professor, Ph.D. – a lecturer at the faculty of Journalism and Social Communication at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (UKSW), a professor in the Chair of Cultural and Artistic Communication, UKSW, in 2017-2020 she worked as the Editor-in-Chief in „Kultura – Media – Teologia” quarterly, and a Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the „Teatr” monthly. The author of the following books: Teatr przeciwko śmierci. Kryptoteologia Tadeusza Kantora (Warsaw 2015), Promieniowanie rapsodyzmu. W kręgu myśli i praktyki teatralnej Mieczysława Kotlarczyka (Warsaw 2008)


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