Posthuman Practices of Care beyond the Entropocene: How the FARN. collective Designs Ways of Thinking-With in «The Shape of Trouble to Come»

peer-reviewed article

Sandra Biberstein
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany)


In The Shape of Trouble to Come: A Posthuman Ritual (2021) the FARN. collective responds to the actual condition marked by indeterminacy and environmental destruction. In the ruins of capitalism (Anna Tsing), represented on stage with electronic waste of computer technology, the German theatre collective presents in an experimental trial various speculative stories that allow the spectators to see themselves as part of a larger ecological context and attune the perspective to polyphonic assemblages with multispecies worlds. These world-conceptions presented in various scenes are based on texts and ideas of Donna Haraway, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Paul B. Preciado. In reference to Anna Tsings attempt to focus on the “arts of noticing,” author focuses in this article on practices of care which lead to a thinking in relationalities, especially to a thinking-with (Haraway). This thinking-with is a way of living-with, being aware of troubling relations and significant otherness that transforms those involved in the relation and the worlds we live in. Analyzing different polyphonic assemblages which the FARN. collective created author shows how posthuman practices of care create trouble in established epistemologies and leads to an experience of becoming and of being vulnerable to others.


arts of noticing, practices of care, FARN. collective, relationality, posthuman ritual

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Cited by

Biberstein, S. (2024) “Posthuman Practices of Care beyond the Entropocene: How the FARN. collective Designs Ways of Thinking-With in «The Shape of Trouble to Come»”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 73(3), pp. 19–44. doi: 10.36744/pt.1765.


Sandra Biberstein
Ruhr-Universität Bochum Germany

Sandra Biberstein - PhD student in the interdisciplinary program Epistemologies of Aesthetics Practices. She studied history, theory and history of photography and sociology at the University of Zurich and has completed her master’s degree in cultural analysis in 2021. From 2019 until 2022 she had been part of the SNF project Crisis and Communitas: Performative Concepts of Commonality in the Polish Culture since the Beginning of the 20th Century led by Prof. Dorota Sajewska. Currently she is writing her PhD thesis at the University of Zurich and at the Ruhr University Bochum on notions of archives of communities-to-come.


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