The Brazilian Contemporary Dance Scene of the Periferia
Maria Claudia Alves Guimarães
mcaguima@unicamp.brUniversity of Campinas (Unicamp) (Brazil)
The aim of this article is to discuss the recent changes in scenic dance in Brazil. Until the beginning of the 2000s, scenic dance was primarily practiced by middle class white dancers, whereas more recently there is a greater representation of Afro-Brazilians and socially less privileged people who come from the outskirts of cities (periferia). The author argues that this change of paradigm is happening due to cultural policies implemented by local governments, as they attempted to provide entertaining and creative activities to help diminish violence in large urban centers, starting in the 1990s. Since these cultural policies have been developing and increasing during the last twenty years, and taking into consideration the issues of decolonialization present in the broader panorama of Latin America, this article’s goal is to discuss the growing presence of artists and dance collectives addressing ethnic and social issues in their work in an attempt to challenge established hegemonic values. In order to accomplish this task, the author refers to social theories related to decolonialization and marginalized communities of the periphery as established by various theoreticians, including Frantz Fanon, Milton Santos, Stuart Hall, Boaventura de Souza Santos, Walter Mignolo, and Anibal Quijano.
contemporary dance, Brazil, periphery , decolonialismReferences
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Maria Claudia Alves Guimarã
University of Campinas (Unicamp) Brazil
Maria Claudia Alves Guimarães - professor and researcher in the field of dance history, especially in the areas of modern dance history and Brazilian dance history. She holds a PhD in Performing Arts from the University of São Paulo (2003). Since November 2016, she works as a professor in the Department of Body Arts at UNICAMP, and since 2018, in the graduate program in Performing Arts at Unicamp, where she has been the coordinator of this program since May 2021.
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