From Studies on Molière in Old Polish Theater


Julian Lewański

Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)


This article concerns the reception of Molière’s comedies in 18th-century Poland, focusing on Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (The Bourgeois Gentleman) and Les Précieuses ridicules (The Affected Ladies), whose two early translations are included in the appendix in critical editions. The former was staged in 1753 at the Jesuit college in Grudziądz (Pomerania). Although the translation by the Jesuit Antoni Bagieński (in the appendix) is generally quite faithful, with a tendency to imitate the original, all female characters were removed from the play due to school regulations. An even freer adaptation of this comedy for a school theater was prepared by Franciszek Bohomlec (1720–1784), editor of one of the first Polish periodical papers, Monitor Warszawski, from 1765 to 1784. Bohomolec not only omitted female characters, but also changed the sequence of scenes and the ending to give the play a more positive and didactic tone. Les Précieuses ridicules appeared on Old Polish stages several times. The first known translation (in the appendix) probably dates from the early 18th century. The author of the article emphasizes the high quality of this adaptation, which retained many features of the original comedy, despite changing its social milieu from the bourgeoisie to the nobility. The play was probably performed at a manor house, perhaps even at the royal court. The author also comments on three other Polish versions of the comedy, likely staged in aristocratic mansions: a mediocre translation by the Livonian gover Plater (probably Jan Ludwik), a rhymed rendering by Urszula Radziwiłł (1752), in which various features of the original are lost, and a translation by Maria Potocka (1749), which exist in manuscript. In addition, there is also a skillful adaptation by Bohomolec, where the original is altered to meet the needs of school theaters. The author concludes that the introduction of excellent French comedies into court theaters confirms their creators’ literary competence and good sense of judgement. The presence of Moliere’s plays on school stages despite monastic prohibitions and customs, in turn, is seen as a testimony to the power of the French playwright's pen.


Molière, «Le Bourgeois gentilhomme», « Les Précieuses ridicules », Polish theater 1700–1800, translation, reception of Molière

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Cited by

Lewański, J. (1956) “From Studies on Molière in Old Polish Theater”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 5(4), pp. 597–630. doi: 10.36744/pt.1527.


Julian Lewański 

Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland

Julian Lewański (1915–2003) – Professor of literature and theater. The most distinguished scholar in the field of Old Polish drama and theater, author of fundamental studies of scenes of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Baroque. He edited several anthologies of carefully annotated editions of Old Polish drama and Polish religious drama.


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Copyright (c) 1956 Julian Lewański

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