Herman Czerwiński – A Forgotten Critic from the Warsaw Ghetto in the Light of Theater Journalism in «Gazeta Żydowska»

peer-reviewed article

Agata Dąbrowska

University of Lodz (Poland)

Jakub Parnes

University of Economics in Katowice (Poland)


This article analyses the work of Herman Czerwiński as a leading theater critic of Gazeta Żydowska (Jewish Gazette), published by Jewish journalists under the control of the Nazis in 1940–1942 in the General Governorate for the Occupied Polish Region. To date, his contributions to the Gazeta Żydowska have received little scholarly attention, whether in publications about Jewish press or about Jewish theater during the Second World War. The authors of the article focus on Czerwiński’s opinions on the activity of Warsaw Ghetto theaters, his assessment of their repertoire policy, and his way of reviewing performances staged in the ghetto. The primary research method was quantitative-qualitative content analysis of all 279 editions of Gazeta Żydowska. In order to determine how Czerwiński was perceived in the ghetto, the research also included Gazeta Żydowska articles mentioning him, as well as diaries and memoirs of members of the Jewish intelligentsia. The research also reconstructed the critic’s earlier life, particularly his links with theater, based on pre-war publications from Polish and Jewish press.


Herman Czerwiński, «Gazeta Żydowska», Jewish theater, theater criticism, Warsaw ghetto

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Cited by

Dąbrowska, A. and Parnes, J. (2022) “Herman Czerwiński – A Forgotten Critic from the Warsaw Ghetto in the Light of Theater Journalism in «Gazeta Żydowska»”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 71(4), pp. 123–147. doi: 10.36744/pt.1362.


Agata Dąbrowska 
University of Lodz Poland

Agata Dąbrowska - Assistant Professor at the Faculty of International and Political Studies at the University of Lodz, scholarship holder, incl. Foundation for Polish Science, Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe and the Norwegian Council of Science, author of several articles and book chapters devoted to the reception of Polish-Jewish relations and Yiddish theater in Poland (incl. Błądząca gwiazda. Życie i twórczość Abrahama Morewskiego, Działalność teatralna żydowskich elit w okupowanej Polsce w latach 1939–1945; Moje życie, mój teatr". Głos Idy Kamińskiej o wojnie, Zagładzie i wydarzeniach marcowych) and the editor of Polish Shakespearean Bibliography 2001-2010. Currently, she finishes her book devoted to Shakespearean inspirations in Yiddish theater in Poland in the context of Jewish-Polish, Polish-Jewish and Jewish-Jewish relations; she also supervises international project „Between Worlds: Performing Polish-Jewish Continuities” devoted to Polish-Jewish cultural relations.


Jakub Parnes 

University of Economics in Katowice Poland

Jakub Parnes - specialist in media studies, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Informatics and Communication at the University of Economics in Katowice, scholarship holder of the Norwegian Council of Science, laureate of the Dr Paweł Stępka Award granted by the National Broadcasting Council and the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science of the University of Warsaw, co-author of the Polish Shakespearean Bibliography 2001-2010, co-author of the Polish translation of the drama Cardenio by Stephen Greenblatt and Charles Mee. His research deals mainly with quantitative and qualitative media content analysis, including issues related to the reception of Jewish culture in the Polish press discourse. Currently, he is finishing work on a monograph devoted to the (non)presence of Sholem Asch in the Polish media discourse after 1939.


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