On Illocutionary Properties of Dramatic Dialogue

peer-reviewed article

Jacek Wachowski

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)


This article evokes the main arguments put forth by Polish theater scholars with regard to dramatic dialogue and its distinctive features. The author foregrounds the value of Sławomir Świontek’s research: although dating from thirty years ago and rarely discussed, today his findings invite us to resume theoretical considerations on dialogue and to seek new methodological tools. Drawing on Świontek’s observations, the author proposes to look at dramatic dialogue from the perspective of speech acts: locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary. He focuses on the illocutionary potential of dialogue, which is linked to how the text is to be performed and helps to bring out meanings and emotions that are not revealed in silent reading. He emphasizes that a multifaceted analysis of the illocutionary potential of dialogue can lead to determining the felicity conditions for drama performance. The author postulates the interdisciplinarity of this kind of research, as the synergy of multiple perspectives – cultural, anthropological, linguistic, theatrological, and philosophical – can help deepen and systematize knowledge about genre transformations in drama and their link to the changing communication principles and techniques.


dramatic dialogue, linguistic etiolation, illocutionary potential, Sławomir Świontek

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Cited by

Wachowski, J. (2022) “On Illocutionary Properties of Dramatic Dialogue”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 71(4), pp. 107–122. doi: 10.36744/pt.1314.


Jacek Wachowski 
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Poland

Jacek Wachowski - full professor in the Institute of Theatre and Media Art at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. He specializes in the fields of performance, reflection on performance (theater and drama theory) and social communication. He also conducts research on the relationship between the humanities and new technologies, particularly on the impact of new digital technologies on social and communication relations and art. He has recently published Transakty: Między sztuką, nauką i technologią. Nowe strategie performowania wiedzy (2020).


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