Meditations on the Mask

Mirosław Kocur
University of Wrocław (Poland)


Instead of a typical review of a research monograph, this article proposes deliberations on selected motifs from Wojciech Dudzik’s book Maska w kulturze współczesnej Europy: Teorie i praktyka [The Mask in Contemporary European Culture: Theories and Practice] (Warsaw, 2020). Although this subjective choice of themes only partially reflects the variety of problems discussed by Dudzik, thise article situates a number of issues in broader contexts: (1) Recent research has shown a surprising ambivalence towards the pandemic face mask as a protection against infection. (2) Present-day devil masks seem to continue the ancient tradition of the mask as a fear-inducing object. (3) European performative practices ignore the insides of masks, unlike in the East, where they are important to actors, stimulating spiritual contact with previous wearers. (4) Sight bimodality is crucial for performing in a mask. (5) In the digital world, the biometric mask takes power over the individual’s bodily identity.


mask, art of transformation, sight bimodality, face mask, biometric mask

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Cited by

Kocur, M. (2021) “Meditations on the Mask”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 70(2), pp. 123–132. doi: 10.36744/pt.807.


Mirosław Kocur
University of Wrocław Poland

Theatre director and scholar, previously civil engineer. He took his MS (1979) in the Civil Engineering Department at the Wroclaw University of Technology, his MFA (1986) in the Department of Play Directing at the Theatre Academy of Cracow and his PhD (1999) in the Department of Philology at the University of Wrocław, Poland. His doctorate, “Practice of the Ancient Theatre,” was the basis for a critically acclaimed book Ancient Greek Theatre (in Polish, Teatr antycznej Grecji, Wrocław 2001: Academic Book Award 2001 (Ministry of Education and Sport), the Best Book of 2001 Award (Brilliant of the Year)). His book  Źródła teatru (2013) has been translated into English: On the Origins of the Theater, trans. by David Malcolm (Peter Lang, 2016).


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