Women Playwrights in the «Republic of Brothers»: Who Needs (and What Kind of) Women’s History of Polish Theatre

Monika Świerkosz

Jagiellonian University (Poland)


This article discusses the results of the HyPaTia research project in the feminist history of the theatre, situating it in the wider context of the phenomenon of women’s history, as practiced since the 1970s. The author investigates the revisionist character of the project’s dialogue with the canon and the constructive gesture of (re)creation of a women’s history of Polish theatre. Through the figures of “Shakespeare’s sister” and “Hypatia’s sisters”, attention is drawn to the specific entanglement of the life and work of female playwrights in a patriarchal framework (referred to as the “republic of brothers”), problematizing the understanding of women’s empowerment as liberation from male oppression or escape into the margins. (Transl. Z. Ziemann)


women’s history, feminist history of theatre, women playwrights, canon, herstory

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Cited by

Świerkosz, M. (2020) “Women Playwrights in the «Republic of Brothers»: Who Needs (and What Kind of) Women’s History of Polish Theatre”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 69(3), pp. 183–198. doi: 10.36744/pt.498.


Monika Świerkosz 
Jagiellonian University Poland

Associate professor at the Jagiellonian University. Her main interests includes literatary studies and critical theory, problems of body and materiality and posthuman ethics. She is an author of the books: W przestrzeniach tradycji. Proza Izabeli Filipiak i Olgi Tokarczuk w sporach o literaturę, kanon i feminizm (Warszawa 2014) oraz Arachne i Atena. Literatura, polityka i kobiecy klasycyzm (Kraków 2017).


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