«We Are a Medley, a Mass Conscription of Good and Evil»: Manuela Gretkowska Sets Up the Women's Party

Katarzyna Waligóra

Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Poland)


This article looks at the Women’s Party, founded by the Polish author and columnist Manuela Gretkowska in 2007, from the perspective of ‘embarrassing female performance’ – an initiative that is empowering yet leaves the audience baffled. The author discusses the founding of the party, analysing the socio-political conditions of its emergence and the difficulties encountered by its activists since its beginning. The article also presents the media’s response to the establishment and activity of the party. The author claims that the defeat that Manuela Gretkowska’s initiative ultimately suffered in the election was connected with its gradual departure from the embarrassing performance format as well as with the acceptance of far-reaching ideological compromises. She argues that in the case of the Women’s Party, the political program was overshadowed by the imperative to act, aimed at pushing women to politicize their needs. (Transl. Z. Ziemann)


Women’s Party, women in politics, feminism, politics, politicization of needs, women and power, Manuela Gretkowska

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Cited by

Waligóra, K. (2020) “«We Are a Medley, a Mass Conscription of Good and Evil»: Manuela Gretkowska Sets Up the Women’s Party”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 69(3), pp. 51–73. doi: 10.36744/pt.464.


Katarzyna Waligóra 
Jagiellonian University, Krakow Poland

PhD candidat at the Theatre and Drama Department at Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Author of the book “It’s not a brand new horse” On the theatrical props (published in polish under the title “Koń nie jest nowy” O rekwizytach w teatrze) and regular contributor of polish theatrical magazine “Didaskalia”. Curator of XVIII edition of theatre Festival Prapremiery in Bydgoszcz. Her current research interests lie in the embarrassing female performances – a specific form of emancipatory women participation in the public sphere


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