Individual and Community Crises in a Pandemic: The Social Theater of Ambulatory Care

Katarzyna Kułakowska
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)

Katarzyna Kalinowska

The Educational Research Institute (Poland)

Olga Drygas

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)

Michał Bargielski



This article offers a preliminary diagnosis of Polish social theaters with regard to the crises of the individual and the community during the Covid-19 pandemic. The interpretive framework is Lidia Zamkow’s concept of the theater of ambulatory care, which allows us to locate the activity of social theaters in the context of Michel de Certeau’s tactics and Jack Halberstam’s low theories. The theater of ambulatory care recognizes the needs of individuals and communities in a pandemic crisis and reacts to them in different ways. We distinguish and describe three ideal types of diagnoses and the resulting treatments that theaters of ambulatory care use in a pandemic: therapy, conjuring, and revolution. The article is based on materials collected during two studies: a funded research project on the anthropological and social activity of the Węgajty Theater, carried out at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and a survey among theater staff during the pandemic, initiated by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theater Institute in Warsaw. (Trans. K. Kułakowska)

Supporting Agencies

Research financed by the National Science Center (no. 2017/26/E/HS2/00357) and Zbigniew Raszewski Theater Institute in Warsaw


social theater, pandemic, crisis, individual, sociaty, community, low theory, theater of ambulatory care

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Cited by

Kułakowska, K., Kalinowska, K. ., Drygas, O. and Bargielski, M. (2020) “Individual and Community Crises in a Pandemic: The Social Theater of Ambulatory Care ”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 69(4), pp. 63–84. doi: 10.36744/pt.455.


Katarzyna Kułakowska
Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland

dr Katarzyna Kulakowska – cultural scientist, cultural anthropologist, social researcher. Currently as an assistant professor at the Institute of Art at the Polish Academy of Sciences, she studies the working method of the Węgajty Theater on the basis of the experiences of its participants. She has published two monographies: Miasto płci (Gender City. The Lover’s Discourse of Maria Peszek, Warszawa 2010) and Błaźnice. Kobiety kontrkultury teatralnej w Polsce (Jestresses. The Women of Polish Theatrical Counterculture, Warszawa 2017). Her research interests include the specificity of female experience in the Polish theatre; gender, body and sexuality. She is working on integrating feminist perspectives into the Polish theatre studies.


Katarzyna Kalinowska 

The Educational Research Institute Poland

dr Katarzyna Kalinowska socjolożka. Obecnie adiunktka w Instytucie Badań Edukacyjnych. Zajmuje się socjologią emocji i miłości, metodologią jakościową oraz etyką badań, jest zaangażowana we wspieranie rozwoju pedagogiki teatru w Polsce. Autorka książki Praktyki flirtu i podrywu. Studium z mikrosocjologii emocji (2018).


Olga Drygas 

Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences Poland

mgr Olga Drygas teatrolożka. Obecnie doktorantka w Instytucie Sztuki PAN, gdzie pod kierunkiem prof. zw. dr hab. Krystyny Duniec przygotowuje rozprawę Lidia Zamkow. W stronę morfowania historii polskiego teatru. Kuratorka i koordynatorka projektów międzynarodowych w Nowym Teatrze w Warszawie, dramaturżka.



Michał Bargielski 


mgr Michał Bargielski – socjolog zainteresowany ewaluacją programów publicznych i badaniem społeczności lokalnych. Ewaluator i badacz skoncentrowany na problematyce rozwoju lokalnego, polityce społecznej i animacji kultury.



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Copyright (c) 2020 Katarzyna Kułakowska, Katarzyna Kalinowska, Olga Drygas, Michał Bargielski

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