Between the Rebellious Street and the Theatre, between Yesterday and Today

book review

Marcin Kula

University of Warsaw (Poland)


This article discusses selected themes from Anna Kuligowska-Korzeniewska’s book Czwarty akt „Wesela”: Teatr polski wobec rewolucji 1905 roku (The Fourth Act of The Wedding: Polish Theatre and the 1905 Revolution). The reviewer places particular emphasis on historical analogies and repetitions, referring to the events of 20th century Polish history. He highlights the role of theatre in preserving social memory, accompanying anti-government rebellions, and creating the language of the revolution.


20th century Polish theatre, Russian Revolution of 1905, August 1980, actors’ strike

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Cited by

Kula, M. (2025) “Between the Rebellious Street and the Theatre, between Yesterday and Today”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 74(1), pp. 167–178. doi: 10.36744/pt.4292.


Marcin Kula 

University of Warsaw Poland

Marcin Kula - historian, also a sociologist by profession and interest. Professor Emeritus University of Warsaw. He lectures at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy. He is a correspondent member of the PAU. Specialises in social history. Author of publications on Polish and Latin American history.


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