Roman Comedy on the Polish Stage
Ewa Skwara Mickiewicz University (Poland)
This article discusses the surviving translations of plays by two Roman authors, Plautus and Terence, in the context of their adaptations in Polish theatres over the last hundred years. It provides information on the number of Polish premieres of Plautus’s comedies in the 20th and 21st centuries, suggesting that the choice of repertoire was determined by the translations and their strategies with regard to the source texts. The research material is provided by theatre programs, which have often discussed the role of translation or cited statements by scholars and translators of ancient drama. Also significant is the absence of Plautus on the Polish stage between 1979 and 2009, and the complete lack of interest in the works of Terence, which were never performed in a professional theatre in the 20th or 21st centuries. Undoubtedly, translations have played a major role here (due to their anachronism or uncommunicativeness), but so did the social changes in the 21st century (gender studies, #metoo).
Roman comedy, palliata, Plautus, Terence, translation, translatorsReferences
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Adam Mickiewicz University Poland
Ewa Skwara - Latinist, literary scholar, translator. Professor at the Institute of Classical Philology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. She works on ancient theater and its reception in a broad sense. She is the author of monographs: Plaut i Terencjusz w polskiej komedii oświeceniowej (1996), istoria komedii rzymskiej (2001), Komedia według Terencjusza (2016). In addition, she translated Plautus' and Terentius' comedies into Polish, as well as Ovid's Ars Amatoria (2008, 2016). For her translation of Plautus' comedies, she was honored with an award from the monthly magazine “Literatura na Świecie” (for the best translation of poetry, 2003). Read more:
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