1980s Theaters outside Warsaw in the Perspective of Oral Histories
Joanna Królikowska
joanna.m.krolikowska@gmail.comUniversity of Lodz (Poland)
This article concerns theater life in Poland in the 1980s, with a focus on the functioning of theaters in mid-size cities. It presents the results of research into the economic and political conditions of their operation, which involved in-depth interviews with five directors managing theaters during that period: Zbigniew Bogdański (Teatr Dramatyczny, Gdynia, 1981–1986), Tomasz Grochoczyński (Teatr Dramatyczny im. Jerzego Szaniawskiego, Płock, 1985–1990), Maciej Grzybowski (Teatr im. Wojciecha Bogusławskiego, Kalisz, 1982–1991), Józef Jasielski (Teatr Dramatyczny, Legnica, 1981–1990), and Andrzej Rozhin (Bałtycki Teatr Dramatyczny im. Juliusza Słowackiego, Koszalin, 1979–1981; Teatr Polski, Szczecin, 1981–1983; Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, Lublin, 1985–1993). This research material has been analyzed using categories related to oral history, which enable individual voices of participants in theater life to be taken into account in historical narratives. The interviewees’ recollections, interlocked with their emotions and reflections on their own activity, provide insight into the principles of constructing self-narratives and inscribing them into the dominant ways of ordering and problematizing theater history in Poland. Abridged versions of the interviews have been appended to the article, and the conclusion indicates their potential uses in further research in theater history.
Polish theater 1980–1990, Polish People’s Republic, oral history, theater historiography, theaters in mid-size citiesReferences
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Joanna Królikowskajoanna.m.krolikowska@gmail.com
University of Lodz Poland
Joanna Królikowska - PhD student at the Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Lodz; graduate of Cultural Studies (specialization Theatre in Culture) at the University of Lodz; winner of the main prize in the competition for the best master's thesis in the academic year 2018/2019 in the field of theater, performance and spectacle sciences organized by the Zbigniew Raszewski Institute for her thesis Rzeczywistość (nie)opisana. Życie teatru na łamach prasy branżowej w latach 1983-1989, subsequently published in 2020; scholarship holder at the Art Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the project Teatr Węgajty – 35 lat teatru antropologicznego i poszukiwań społeczno-kulturowych.
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