Contamination as Collaboration: Creating a Collaborative Archive in "Frames of the Anthropocene"
Aleksandra Kamińska Univeristy (Poland)
Frames of the Anthropocene is a collaborative digital exhibition launched by the Virtual Museum of the Anthropocene in 2021. Envisioned as a work-in-progress, the exhibition simultaneously archives and performs the memory of the ongoing anthropogenic changes in different environments. It is argued that many of the photographs, while seemingly focusing on various kinds of human-produced waste, in fact represent multifarious constellations and collaborations, as the waste is gradually integrated into divergent green spaces. The article foregrounds the vibrancy (Bennett, 2010) and processual character of these groupings, viewing them as depictions of temporal and spatial negotiations involving multiple actants that orient the viewers’ gaze towards both human and other-than-human modalities and agencies. By bringing into Focus “nonhuman beings and unfamiliar timescales” (Morton, 2017), the author interprets the exhibition as a way of engaging the viewers and potential contributors alike in a reflection on various modes of collaboration discovered through the archive-in- -progress. Finally, the article analyses the ways in which Frames of the Anthropocene explores the dynamics of “contamination as collaboration” (Tsing, 2015) both in its content and its processual, collaborative formula, thus attempting to transgress anthropocentrism in our understanding of the current epoch.
Anthropocene, archive-in-progress, vibrant matter, thing-power, contamination/collaborationReferences
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Aleksandra Kamiń
Jagiellonian Univeristy Poland
Aleksandra Kamińska - PhD, assistant professor at the Institute of English Studies at Jagiellonian University, editor and translator. Her research interests include contemporary British drama, drama translation and theories of translation.
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From issue 1/2018 to 3/2022 all articles were published under a Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. During this period the authors granted a royalty-free nonexclusive license (CC BY-ND 4.0) to use their article in Pamiętnik Teatralny, retained full copyright, and agreed to identify the work as first having been published in our journal should it be published or used again.
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