The Masks of Don Juan

peer-reviewed article


This article considers selected literary, ideological, and social contexts of the origins of Molière’s Don Juan (1665) in order to demonstrate links between particular cultural phenomena of the mid-seventeenth century and the construction of the play’s protagonist and some thematic motifs. The author reviews various hypotheses concerning the literary and cultural roots of Molière’s version of the story of Don Juan, to focus on the evocation of Spanish cultural contexts. She also emphasizes that the author managed to incorporate into the story of the legendary seducer ample commentary pertaining to factual reality. Ideas rooted in aesthetic explorations and current ideological discussions and disputes contributed to the creation of a protagonist whose experience also corresponds in many aspects to that of the present-day reader and theatergoer.


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Cited by

Wojtysiak-Wawrzyniak, K. (2023) “The Masks of Don Juan”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 72(1), pp. 79–101. doi: 10.36744/pt.1388.


Katarzyna Wojtysiak-Wawrzyniak

Katarzyna Wojtysiak-Wawrzyniak - PhD, graduate of Roman Philology and Cultural Studies at the University of Lodz and one-year postgraduate cultural studies at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Member of the Polish Theater Company. Main interests: 18th-20th century French theater and drama, Golden Age theater, 20th and 21st century Spanish and Spanish-language theater and drama, especially Federico Garcia Lorca's theater, Ernesto Caballero's theater, Gilbert Durand's anthropological imaginative structures, history of ideas, myth reception, aesthetics.


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