“Don Giovanni,” Sex’n’Roll, and Echoes of the Counterculture: A Brief History of Desire Read Backwards

peer-reviewed article

Artur Żywiołek

Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa (Poland)


This article is an attempt to read the history of courtly love backwards, thus setting a perspective that enables the interpretation of the contemporary sexual revolution by revealing its historical and archetypal patterns. It presents the hybrid relationships linking operatic “archaicness” with film, philosophy, and music in their contemporary artistic forms. The central argument is that the widespread phenomenon of aestheticization of life is based on the illusion that one is able to achieve absolute fulfillment in a transient world. The myth of Don Juan embodies this very dimension of modernity, which gives the aesthetic (sensual) the rank of the absolute, while numerous artistic actualizations of this myth confirm that the Western European imaginarium has its affective substrate in the form of desire, which is impossible to satisfy.


opera, music, desire, myth, history, "Don Giovanni"

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Cited by

Żywiołek, A. (2023) “‘Don Giovanni,’ Sex’n’Roll, and Echoes of the Counterculture: A Brief History of Desire Read Backwards”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 72(2), pp. 63–84. doi: 10.36744/pt.1165.


Artur Żywiołek 
Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa Poland

Artur Żywiołek - graduate of Polish philology at Jagiellonian University, PhD, Associate Professor of Literary Studies in the Institute of Literary Studies at Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa. His research interests include problems of cultural breakthroughs, aesthetics of modernism, and intellectual history of Poland and Europe. Recently, he published Tristitia moderna: Pasja mitu tristanowskiego w nowoczesnej literaturze, filozofii i muzyce (Kraków, 2020).


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