I’m Gonna Describe You the Scene from the Theatre That I Liked Best. The Research Potential of Letters and Drawings of Young Spectators in Jan Dorman’s Archives

Agata Łukaszewicz

The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw (Poland)


The paper looks at Jan Dorman’s pedagogical and artistic practice through the prism of child’s sensibility of his audience. The drawings and letters of the spectators at the performance of  Awantura z ogniem (“Fire with Fire”, 1950) are considered as a collection of ego-documents. The paper examines their usefulness for expanding our knowledge about the history of Dorman’s theatre and the reception of his plays. 

Supporting Agencies

Projekt „Dorman. Archiwum otwarte” finansowany jest w ramach programu Konkurs im. Jana Dormana, realizowanego przez Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego ze środków Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.


Jan Dorman, theatre spectator, children theatre, children's drawings, ego-document

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Cited by

Łukaszewicz, A. (2019) “I’m Gonna Describe You the Scene from the Theatre That I Liked Best. The Research Potential of Letters and Drawings of Young Spectators in Jan Dorman’s Archives”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 68(3/4), pp. 161–180. doi: 10.36744/pt.11.


Agata Łukaszewicz 

The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw Poland


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