We invite article proposals falling within the thematic range of the journal, as well as essay-length book reviews of recent important publications in theatre studies.

When submitting your manuscript, please make sure that you provide all of the following elements:

  • manuscript with footnotes in Chicago style (ca. 3,000-6,000 words for an article; ca. 2,500 words for a review)
  • abstract (ca. 180 words)
  • bibliography (Chicago style, 17th edition)
  • keywords

Should you have any questions, please contact us at: pamietnik.teatralny@gmail.com

CFP: Izabella Cywińska – reżyserka, dyrektorka, polityczka


Pamiętnik Teatralny zaprasza do nadsyłania zgłoszeń artykułów do numeru poświęconego życiu, twórczości i działalności Izabelli Cywińskiej (1935-2023), reżyserki teatralnej, filmowej i telewizyjnej, dyrektorki teatrów, polityczki i ministry kultury.

Bibliographies of Pamiętnik Teatralny Contents


Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, we have made available online bibliographies of the Pamiętnik Teatralny contents for the years 1952–1994. You are welcome to browse through them: https://czasopisma.ispan.pl/index.php/pt/bibliogr

"Pamiętnik Teatralny" in SCOPUS


We are happy to announce that after Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board positive review “Pamiętnik Teatralny” has been accepted to be indexed in SCOPUS and other Elsevier solutions.