Jerzy Got-Spiegel (1923–2004)


Jan Michalik

Jagiellonian University (Poland)


A memoir devoted to Jerzy Got (1923–2004), theater historian, documentalist, and editor, initiator of the first program of academic theater studies at Jagiellonian University. The author presents the turns of Got's professional life: his work at the Department of Theater History and Theory of the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1956–1967), the organization of the theater department of the Historical Museum of Krakow (1961–1966), his work at Jagiellonian University (1967–1978), and the fruitful period of his independent research after moving to Vienna in 1978. He emphasizes Got's merits for profiling and developing theatrical research at the Jagiellonian University and opening it to international cooperation. He emphasizes the versatility of the scholar—combining a love of documentary and archival research with analytical skills and interpretive talent. He points out the most important areas of Got's interest: the history of the theater of Cracow, the history of the theater of Lviv, theatrical biography (Antonina Hoffmann, Helena Modrzejewska, Bogumił Dawison, Ludwik Solski), as well as the culture of ancient Greece. He also mentions his passion for photography, which was closely related to theater research.


theater studies, theater history, Polish theater scholars, Jerzy Got, theater in Krakow

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Cited by

Michalik, J. (2005) “Jerzy Got-Spiegel (1923–2004)”, Pamiętnik Teatralny, 54(1/2), pp. 287–324. doi: 10.36744/pt.2336.


Jan Michalik 

Jagiellonian University Poland


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